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 2015 Projects


Cribari Plaza Renovation

The Villages Club Board approved the renovation of the Cribari Plaza. The EVF stepped forward and made a contribution of $100,000 towards this capital upgrade. The funds enabled new lighting, ramps, handrails, and a safer, more level patio surface. The renovation of the plaza is ADA compliant and provides the Villages with a beautiful outdoor venue.

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Clubhouse Planters

The Foundation funded $746 for the purchase of plants and planters to be placed in front of the Clubhouse doors by the banquet and main entrances. 

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Cribari Display Case

The EVF contributed $1,809 to construct the Cribari artifact display case to house our extensive collection of Villages historical memorabilia. 


Fitness Equipment

The EVF funded new equipment to be installed in the new Fitness Center which opened in 2015. The equipment included a dual adjustable pulley system, elliptical cross trainers, weight racks, multi-adjustable benches, and a professional weight scale. The Foundation provided $21,671 to complete this project.

Thank you to our generous donors who made these projects possible. 

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